



 FC Room  Crystal > Balmung > Shirogane > W## > P## > R##

personal houses

 Small  Crystal > Balmung > Shirogane > W## > P##

free company houses

 APARTMENT. 1,000,000 GIL
 SMALL. 1,000,000 GIL
 MEDIUM. 1,000,000 GIL
 LARGE. 1,000,000 GIL
 BY FLOOR. 1,000,000 GIL

These prices do not include the furniture pieces. These are for the designs only. The buyer is responsible for the purchase of all housing items, including dye and furnishings.

the process

 01  First, I will need a few things from you: your server, the size of place I'll be working with, any inspiration you may have (housingsnap is a great place to look, or pictures of other places - in game or otherwise - will help!), any must-haves (pieces of furniture, fixtures, paintings, colors, etc.), any no-goes (such as no store items and/or no store dyes), and finally: any budget you have. 02  I'll be building in makeplace and will send you WIP images as we go, to make sure I'm on track with what you're looking for in your build. Please note that some things will look a little differently in makeplace than they will in game - specifically lighting! 03  Once your build is done and you're pleased with what we have, I will give you the shopping list. This will have a list of all of the items needed for your build, including fixtures and dyes. You will need to get these items, either by crafting them or purchasing them. If you need help finding any omnicrafters for some items, I can help connect you with some! 04  Once you have all of the necessary items, all items (and no others) will need to be placed out in the open in your apartment/house. Not in the storage, but out on the floor and on the walls. 05  Now the fun stuff!! If this is a house build, you will need to add me in-game as a member of your house and allow me to make changes to the house. I will log-in, run my script, make sure everything is in its place and dyed, and voila! If this is an apartment build, things will be a little bit trickier. We can discuss the best way for you, but it will likely involve you installing the makeplace plugin and running the script yourself. Don't worry! If you've never done this before, I can walk you through every step of the way! 06  Finally, there's the payment and I might ask if I can take pictures, or have someone else take pictures for me. And that's it! We're done!!

  WHO I AM.  

i'm faer and i'm stinky, but i sure do make good ffxiv houses.